How to Write an Impactful Letter to Writer [2023 Edition]

Last Updated on September 22, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Writing a letter or email to a writer can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and tips, you can craft an impactful letter that will make an impression. In this blog, we will discuss how to write an impactful letter – email or otherwise – to a writer in a comprehensive manner, while also including examples and letter templates for your ease. Whether you want to get advice from a writer, practice your letter-writing skills, or just make a connection, you will learn the ins and outs of letter writing and email writing along with tips and tricks that will help you write effective email letters every time. So, if you are looking for guidance on how to write an impactful letter that will leave a lasting impression on a writer, including letter templates, this is the blog for you.

What is the best way to contact an author?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the author and the project you are hoping to work on. For example, if you are writing a letter specifically for an author who does not have a contact form available online or through their publisher, then an email might be your best bet. On the other hand, if you want to reach out to an author who has a public blog where they post new content regularly or through social media (e.g., Twitter), then sending them a letter via snail mail may be more advisable. Ultimately, it is important that you determine what approach will work best for your project and contact information, as this can help you save time and energy when writing your letter.

On the front cover, you’ll usually find the author’s name. It’s not possible to contact the author directly. You have sent messages through the author’s publisher unless an author included his website or e-mail address in his books. Their website is usually used to email.

How to write an impressive letter to writer?

On the computer, you can get a wealth of information about writers. Nonetheless, writing a real letter to a real author is the best. You must send your letter to the author’s “in care of” publisher if you want to contact him or her.

Here’s how to do it. The publisher’s address is included inside the hardback version of the author’s book. On the first few pages of the book, the postal address is usually included. Specify the publisher as the addressee of the envelope. Note that if the author has a website, you can usually find this address on their home page. The last step is to mail the envelope to the publisher.

Given below are some of my exceptional tips to show some love to your favorite authors. So, stay tuned

Know how to write “in care of” publisher

Writing a letter to an author “in care of” their publisher can be an effective way to get in touch with them and let them know how much you appreciate their work.

Start by addressing the author and introducing yourself. Explain that you are a fan of their book and it interests you the most. Give details on why the book interests you and what elements of the book you enjoy. Mention that you are writing to them through their publisher, as you are unable to contact them directly. Empathy is an important element in connecting with the author’s work and understanding their perspective.

Conclude the letter by expressing your appreciation for the author’s work and your hope that they continue to write. You may also wish to ask any questions that you may have regarding the book or its writing process. Finally, make sure to end the letter with an appropriate salutation and mention the closing.

Email and letter writing are both important tools for conveying information. Email is a great way to quickly and efficiently communicate with someone, while letter writing is a more formal and personal way of expressing thoughts and feelings. Both forms of communication can be used to contact an author and dialogue with them about their work.


Dear [Author’s name],

I am writing in the care of your publisher to express my admiration for your work. [Your message]

[Your name]

[Your contact information]

Address the author by the name

You need to address the author by name instead of ‘Dear Sir/Mam’ or ‘Dear Author’.

When you address an author by name, it shows that you respect them as an individual and their work. It also establishes a personal connection between the two of you which can make your letter more effective. Additionally, by addressing the author by name, you make it clear that your letter is not an official communication from the publisher. This can help to avoid any misunderstandings or problems down the line.

Furthermore, addressing the author by their full name helps ensure that the letter is sent to the right person, as it shows that you’ve taken the time to make sure the correct person is being addressed. Ultimately, addressing the author by their full name in a letter is essential for maintaining good etiquette and creating a positive relationship between you and the author.

Express your appreciation with specific details

When expressing your appreciation for the author’s work, it is important to provide specific details about why you appreciate their work. For example, telling the author how their book has inspired you or reminding them of a particular moment when their novel brought tears to your eyes would be powerful ways to show appreciation. Additionally, praising the author in terms of their writing skills or describing in depth what makes their book unique can also be appreciated. By providing these specific details, you are showing that you have put some thought into your letter and are not simply just regurgitating standard compliments. A postscript can also be added to the letter to convey any additional thoughts or messages that were not included in the main body of the letter.

Keep it short yet enough with information

When writing a letter to an author, it is important to keep the letter short yet enough with information. While you don’t need to write paragraphs and pages about your appreciation for their work, making sure that you provide all of the necessary information will make your letter more effective. Additionally, try not to use jargon or flowery language when expressing gratitude; using simple phrases that everyone can understand will be most appreciated.


Dear [Author’s name],

Thank you so much for your amazing work. Your books have always been a huge part of my life and I can’t imagine my life without them. I recently read your latest book and it was truly incredible. The detail you put into the characters and the plot was astonishing and it really brought tears to my eyes. It is very rare that an author can make me feel such strong emotions, but you did just that.

I think everyone should read your books because they are simply beautiful pieces of literature. Your writing skills are truly remarkable and I am truly impressed. I hope you keep writing because your work is truly worth it.


[Your Name]

[Your contact information]

Be personal as it’s impressive!

When writing a letter to an author, it’s important to be genuine and personal. Start by introducing yourself and why you are writing. Perhaps you read one of their books and it impacted you in some way. Talk about your thoughts and feelings regarding the book. You can even mention specific scenes or characters that were especially meaningful to you.

Be sure to express your admiration for the author’s work, and if it resonates, share experiences from your own life that might have been inspired by the book. If you have any questions or comments, include those as well.

End the letter by thanking the author for their work and wishing them the best in their future endeavors. Writing a personal letter to an author can be a great way to connect in a meaningful way and share your appreciation for their work.

Example 1:

Dear [Author],

I’m writing to tell you just how much I admire your work. It all started a few years ago when I was browsing a local bookstore and I stumbled across one of your books. I was intrigued by the cover and decided to give it a try. From the first page, I was hooked. Your writing captivated me and I just couldn’t put it down. Soon I was reading all of your books and telling my friends about how amazing they were.

Your books have had such a profound impact on me. I often find myself turning to your stories for comfort and for inspiration. I feel as though your characters were written just for me. Whenever I’m feeling down, I can always turn to your words and find solace in them.

I just wanted to take a moment to express my admiration for your work and thank you for all of the joy that you have brought me. Your books have brought me so much happiness and I can’t thank you enough for that.



[Your contact information]

Example 2:

Dear [Author],

I want to start by saying that I admire your work a lot! As a reader, I find your writing to be incredibly powerful and engaging. I’m sure that you’ve heard it before, but your stories genuinely make a difference in my life.

I first heard about your work through a close friend. They told me how much they enjoyed reading your books and how they were drawn in by the characters and the narrative. I was intrigued and decided to give your books a try.

I’m so glad I did! I was instantly hooked and couldn’t put your books down. I’ve enjoyed reading about the characters and the journey they take throughout each story. I found myself feeling connected to them and their experiences.

Your stories have truly made an impact on me, and I’m so thankful that I was able to read them. I’m looking forward to what you write next!


[Your Name]

[Your contact information]

Don’t be rude or negative

I understand the enthusiasm for wanting more material from beloved authors. However, it is important to remember that inspiration takes time. Let’s not pressure these authors to write faster than they are able. 

That being said, it is still appropriate to express admiration for a writer’s work. For example, it is okay to let them know that their first book was much better than their second and that the National Book Foundation got it wrong when they recognized their latest release. 

Ultimately, it is important to keep the conversation respectful and classy. No one should be telling an author that their wife is ugly or any other rude comment. Let’s support our favorite authors without crossing the line.

Don’t get too personal though!

Including extra information about yourself is unnecessary when writing a fan letter. Unless the details are related to your connection with the book, it’s best to avoid mentioning them. Additionally, phrases such as “I wrote a book, too!”, “Would you mind reading it and offering some pointers?”, “Gee, I could really use a publisher” and any other form of disguised networking should be avoided as they may come across as inappropriate.

Don’t forget to add your contact information

Providing your contact information to your favorite authors can be worthwhile. Include your mailing address (or P.O. Box), email address, and social media handle/username (ensuring the author is on the same platform). Doing so can result in meaningful responses from them. Lastly, it’s always a good idea to sign your letter with the name of the book and the author. This lets them know that you are writing specifically about their work.

Proofread at the end!

Give your letter a once-over to spot any grammatical or spelling mistakes. Verify the date and the author’s name are correct. Additionally, ensure the writer’s name and the book title are spelled correctly. Perfection isn’t essential here, the recipient will appreciate your message over the punctuation. Lastly, use free grammar-checking software such as Grammarly to review your writing.

Length of the letter

When writing a formal letter, it is important to keep it concise and to the point. Longer letters may not be as effective. For an informal letter, the length is determined by the content and the relationship with the recipient.

Don’t be fancy and use the simple, standard letter format

When writing a letter to an author, avoid fancy prose and language. Stick to simple sentences and paragraphs with clear grammar. The recipient will appreciate your efforts.

Letters should be sent two or three times. It’s always a good idea to send letters multiple times in order for the author to have the opportunity to reply (or not). Sending a letter once may not be enough as they might get buried under other correspondence. This also gives you an opportunity to tweak your message if necessary prior to sending it out again.

Leverage the social media

A writer’s online activity (or the lack thereof) can give you insight into the best way to get in touch (e.g. email, website, publicist, publisher, etc.), upcoming book signings and talks (good for delivering compliments in person) and how private they are (e.g. NO SOCIAL MEDIA). You may even find that sending a tweet or posting on their Facebook page is enough.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I send a letter to a writer anonymously?

Sending a letter to a writer anonymously is possible, but it may limit the chances of receiving a response or establishing a personal connection. Writers often appreciate knowing the identity of their readers and being able to respond accordingly. However, if anonymity is important to you, ensure that your letter is respectful and focuses on your appreciation for their work rather than personal information. Keep in mind that some writers may have a policy of not engaging with anonymous correspondence.

Should I mention if I have purchased the writer’s book in my letter?

Mentioning that you have purchased the writer’s book in your letter is a great way to show your support and genuine interest in their work. It demonstrates your commitment as a reader and can help establish a personal connection with the writer. You can express your appreciation for their book, highlighting specific aspects that resonated with you. Additionally, if you have any comments or questions related to the book, you can include them in your letter. Remember to be sincere and avoid sounding promotional or insincere in your mention of purchasing the book.

How long should I wait for a response from a writer before following up?

The timeframe for waiting for a response from a writer can vary. Writers receive numerous letters and may have busy schedules, so it’s advisable to be patient. As a general guideline, waiting for a few weeks to a couple of months is reasonable before considering a follow-up. If the writer has provided an estimated response time or if they mention their response preferences on their website or social media, follow those guidelines. When following up, be polite and express your continued appreciation for their work. Avoid being pushy or demanding, as it may negatively impact the chances of receiving a response.

Can I request an autograph from a writer in my letter?

Requesting an autograph from a writer in your letter is acceptable, especially if they have a history of providing autographs or if they offer such opportunities on their official platforms. When making the request, be polite and considerate of the writer’s time and workload. Consider including a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) for the writer’s convenience in returning the autograph. However, it’s important to note that not all writers may be able to fulfill autograph requests due to various reasons, such as their schedule or policies. Respect their decision if they are unable to accommodate your request.

Can I include a self-addressed stamped envelope with my letter to the writer?

Including a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) with your letter to a writer is a thoughtful gesture, especially if you’re requesting a response or an autograph. A SASE makes it convenient for the writer to reply to your letter without incurring additional postage costs. However, before including a SASE, it’s recommended to check the writer’s preferred method of communication or response. Some writers may prefer email or digital correspondence, in which case a SASE may not be necessary. Always follow any specific instructions provided by the writer or their representatives regarding response requests.

Should I send a physical letter or an email to a writer?

Whether to send a physical letter or an email to a writer depends on various factors. If the writer has provided a specific contact preference, such as an email address or a mailing address for fan mail, it’s advisable to follow their instructions. However, in the absence of such instructions, sending an email is often a more practical and faster option, especially considering the digital nature of communication today. Additionally, emails offer the convenience of attaching supporting documents or links to the writer’s work. Whichever method you choose, remember to maintain a professional and respectful tone in your communication.

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