Privacy Policy

The owner of this website is committed to user privacy and has therefore outlined the following policies in regards to information gathering and dissemination.

The owner of this website does not gather any unique visitor data. The only collected data is statistical data gathered from a Google Analytics account. This information includes what type of browser you are using, your IP address, referral URL, timestamp, operating system, and average time on the page. None of this collected data can be used to identify an individual visitor nor can it be shared with third parties for commercial purposes.

In order to ensure that adverts presented on our site are relevant, we may use cookies that track visitor behavior from other websites or web advertisements or links within emails that direct users back to our website. By doing this, we are provided with anonymous statistical information of visitors. This allows us to provide relevant ads and links back to the website of an advertiser if their link is followed by a user.

Nothing on our site tracks your movement outside this website or contains any web bugs that track your browsing habits between websites. If you wish to be 100% anonymous then I would recommend using TOR browser or one of many virtual private networks (VPNs) available online which will mask your location and internet usage.

The specific cookies used on this site are as follows:

NID – Google maps locator cookie for ensuring correct geographical mapping when displaying articles in certain parts of the world. For example, in Australia articles may be tagged to make mention of localities unique to those parts of the world.

NID – Google analytics cookie used to collect statistical data on visitors.

utma, utmb, utmc & utmz – Google analytics cookies that provide website owners with information about user visits, average time spent on a web page and movement between pages within a site. This information can be segmented by type of browser being used or other available demographic information provided by a visitor’s IP address.

cookie_session – A temporary cookie that holds your login session ID until you close your browser or if you have not logged in within 10 minutes from the last time you visited the site it will expire automatically so as not use up resources unnecessarily. Remember me option is OFF by default which means this cookie is not used or required.

PHPSESSID – This cookie is used for the current web session to track how much you use this site and to determine if you are logged-in or logged-out. It expires after 30 minutes of inactivity on the website. Remember me option is OFF by default which means this cookie is not used or required.

gat_UA-4569680-1 – Google analytics cookie that allows an anonymous user tracking of referral URL’s so as to provide us with demographic information about our readership based on geographical location, browser type, search term referrals, etc. Remarketing with the Google Analytics feature does not allow us to track users individually but it will record your visit to our site even if you do not actively submit a landing page. This will be based on your geographical and browsing data and may result in you seeing our ads when visiting other websites that use the same Google Analytics demographic functions.

_dc_gtm_UA-4569680-1 – Double Click Cookie used for remarketing/targeting of adverts by Google partners using the Google Adsense platform.

For more information about GDPR please go to: