How to get a Christian Book Published? (Top 30 Publishers)

Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD


Do you want to write a Christian book but don’t know where to start? If so, you’re not alone. However, knowing where to begin when publishing a Christian book may be challenging. This post will provide information on how to get your book published and the top 30 publishers specifically interested in Christian books. On your journey to becoming a published author, we hope this information will help you.

Steps to Become an Author of a Compelling Christian Book

Long before you start typing those first words, you are involved in the process of writing a book. It begins with a tiny flame inside you, which gradually increases in intensity each day. Finally, when it’s the right time to start writing your book, your ingenuity, thoughts, and imagination will tell you.

Your flame is powerful enough if you consider writing and publishing your Christian book. Nonetheless, you’ll need some assistance to help you succeed because your faith and love for God, as well as the creative urge you’ve been experiencing, will assist you in writing the book you want. Thankfully, step-by-step instruction on how to write a Christian text has been provided for you. So let’s take a closer look at it.

1 – Sync with God

When you’re contemplating writing a Christian book, your relationship with God should be the one thing you lean on. The following are ways to cultivate your relationship with God:

· regular prayers

· have faith in God

· daily practice commandments

Being close to God is critical, and you must seek advice in your prayers. You must follow God’s will when He gives you the notion to write a book.

2 – Brainstorm ideas and create a book outline

Take time to think about the goal of your book and the important message you want to convey before you start writing. First, ask yourself the following questions to concentrate on the book’s content: who, what, when, where, and why. Next, decide if you want to appeal to a larger audience or target Christians inside the Christian community. Keep a notebook with pages for each of these things, and keep honing the specifics.

Organizing your thoughts on your book idea and developing some specifics can be aided by a book outline. Title, section, and topic titles should be included in your list. Take some notes on the plot points, characters, and social problems you want to address as soon as ideas come into your mind. Then, start collecting and arranging all the source materials you want to use in the book.

3 – Make your writing schedule

Make a schedule for writing or producing a specific number of words each day at a set period. You’ll move toward the finished product by establishing a writing regimen and remaining disciplined. Rewriting follows after the initial draft is finished.

Authors often go through three or four revisions before submitting their book proposal or the entire work to a self-publishing firm. Fine-tune the copy one chapter at a time until it flows nicely, and each chapter links to the next for an engaging read.

4 – Get the services of a beta reader and choose your self-publisher

Then, once you’re sure it’s ready, seek out some feedback on it. Have your book undergo a once-over and offer some beneficial advice by enlisting the help of a Christian beta reader or two. You’ve heard and obeyed God’s purpose in you, which he entrusted to you. Now is the moment to release the book.

Given below are some of the ways:

– consider Christian publishers

– read manuscripts

– think good of what you feel great about

– contact and submit your work

Remember to keep believing; beautiful things will happen when waiting for a response. You’ll achieve great things if you believe in yourself, God, and your book.

5 – Refine the manuscript

The actual editing process starts once a self-publisher has been chosen. Proofreading, copyediting, or a developmental edit are among the editorial services that will be provided by the self-publishing company. The importance of the editing process cannot be emphasized enough. Missing this stage might produce typographical or grammatical mistakes that damage your author’s reputation and diminish their authority.

6 – Get its cover designed

There is no way to underline this: The success of your book relies heavily on your cover design! Your book’s cover significantly influences how people perceive it and how much it sells. Get a book cover designer to assist you with your enlistment. This individual will design a stunning cover that accurately reflects the Christian genre while capturing your book’s tone and message.

Once you’ve chosen a Christian book publisher, the following steps should be followed.

7 – Look for influencer marketing

Connect with five Christian bloggers or social media stars in topics or genres related to your book. Ask if they might create a blurb or review the book on their platform in exchange for sending them a copy.

8 – Promote the book

Put your book in the best possible light. It applies whether you self-publish or hire an agency. Your chances of success will rise as long as you get the word out. Consider creating an account in this age of social media. It enables your readers to track you down. There is a space where you may chat with them and promote your book.

Build some advertisements, increase your social media presence, and work with Christian celebrities. You can have influential people review your book if you send it to them. But, first, ensure that your readers connect your published piece with your connections by selecting the appropriate people.

Top 30 Publishers to Publish a Christian Book

These are 30 publishers actively looking for religious manuscripts of all types and genres.

Traditional publishers make up most of these companies, but a few hybrid firms are on this list (half self-publishing and traditional half-publishing).

We suggest that you research each publisher mentioned here and decide in advance what sort of publisher you’re seeking because both routes to publication have benefits and disadvantages.

1 – Baker Books

2 – Zondervan

3 – InterVarsity Press

4 – Westminster John Knox Press (WJK)

5 – Herald Press

6 – Wipf and Stock

7 – Moody Publishers

8 – Eerdman’s Publishing

9 – Beaming Books

10 – Kregel Publications

11 – Dove Christian Publishers

12 – Bethany House

13 – Crosslink Publishing

14 – Faithwords

15 – Paraclete Press

16 – Thomas Nelson

17 – The Upper Room

18 – Dancing With Bear Publishing

19 – Lighthouse Christian Publishing

20 – Paulist Press

21 – Tyndale House

22 – Concordia Publishing House

23 – Ignatius Press

24 – Harvest House Publishers

25 – CKN Christian Publishing

26 – The Crossroad Publishing Company

27 – Baylor University Press

28 – WaterBrook Multnomah

29 – Crossway

30 – Abingdon Press

Final Words

Thank you for reading! In this blog, we’ve covered everything you need to know about self-publishing your Christian book. From outlining your book to finding the right publisher, we will walk you through every step. So keep reading if you want to learn more about how to publish your book! You’ll have all the information you need to get started by the end of this blog.


1 – How much does it cost to produce a Christian book?

Answer: When you decide to publish a Christian book, there are many factors that you need to take into account. The cost of publishing can vary depending on the size and complexity of your project and the type of book you’re planning to publish. However, most readers typically require an upfront fee and various monthly fees associated with marketing and sales.
In addition, expenses may also include covering design costs, copyright registration fees, printing costs (both digital and hard copy), shipping costs for inventory*, and taxes*.

2 – How much do Christian authors make a year?

Answer: In general, Christian authors make a modest income from writing. However, the size of their audience and how often they publish fresh material significantly impact them. The average author earns about $3,000-$7,500 per year from publishing books and charging for speaking engagements. Additionally, many authors own businesses that generate an additional income stream.
Remember that self-publishing can be a great way to get your work out without going through a publisher or selling it at high prices to reach a larger audience. However, it’s also important to remember that anything you earn as an author is taxable, so make sure you are fully taken care of tax-wise!

3 – Where can I publish Christian books online for free? 

Answer: Many Christian publishers offer free publishing resources for authors. These include B&H Publishing, Zondervan, and Multnomah Books & Media. Once you have gathered your materials (book proposal and manuscript), it is time to submit your submission to these companies.
Read the guidelines carefully before submitting, as some of these organizations may be very selective with their submission process. After submitting your work, wait for a response from one or more publishers before making any decisions about further steps. Remember that there is no guarantee that your book will be accepted, but by trying out different publishing options, you can find the best fit for your unique project.

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