Top 10 Tips For Writing A Perfect Back Cover Blurb

Last Updated on July 26, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

When writing a back cover blurb for your book, there’s a lot to think about. You want it to be attention-grabbing but not too promotional. You want it to sell the book, not yourself. And you want it to be honest, without giving away too much information. Here are ten tips to help you write an outstanding back cover blurb for your book.

What is a Back Cover Blurb?

A book blurb (also known as a “back-cover blurb” or a “book description”) is a summary of the book’s central character and problem, which is usually included on the inside cover or back of a book. It typically ranges from 100 to 200 words in length. A book blurb is utilized in ebooks and self-publishing on a book’s primary online sales page.

Book marketing includes the use of blurbs: they are intended to persuade people to buy the book. They should be an intriguing sales pitch that doesn’t reveal too much about the book’s contents. It is successful if a blurb piques a reader’s interest; it is ineffective if it bores or overwhelms the reader.

What are the Steps Involved in Writing an Attractive Book Cover Blurb?

You must follow the three essential steps to write a catchy book cover blurb as follows.

1 – Stand out with the hook

The hook is a phrase or two in the opening paragraph of a book blurb that should immediately grab the reader’s attention. To figure out the best hook for your book, consider what’s exciting or unique about your plot.

2 – Offer the feel of the main characters

Readers will need to be sure that they will like reading about the main character’s life for the following few hundred pages because they are someone that they will need to spend time with. Simply write a sentence or two as you don’t need to summarize the entire backstory here.

3 – Make it conflict-centric

Readers will immediately become bored if everything goes well for your main character in every good book. You must tease out the main problem and set the stakes in your blurb, but it won’t reveal the solution.

Top 10 Tips to Write a Perfect Book Cover Blurb

Here are the top 10 tips we believe can make your book cover blurb the most interesting. So, let’s start without any further ado!

1 – Look for the inspirations in your genre

Before you begin, listthe greatest book blurbs for your category. Evaluate their messages, story themes, and their characters with your own. You should develop something that you think would inspire readers to read. 

2 – Focus on readability

Writing a blurb that sells involves using short sentences, brief paragraphs, and brief character descriptions. Using these techniques will help you create a simple and easy-to-understand blurb.

3 – Always begin with a hook

Add a hook to the blurb. They won’t read the rest of the blurb or purchase the book if your first line is dull or uninteresting. To make people want to read the rest of your blurb, you’ll need to pick your book description words.

4 – Exaggerate the positive traits of your main character

Since we’re writing blurb copy, it’s boring. That is why we must allude to our characters’ best qualities, regardless of whether they exist in the book. This will help draw readers into reading more because their interest shows what happens later after that first line hook.

5 – Aim for not more than 150-200 words

You can write a great blurb if you only go for slightly over 150 words. Don’t be tempted to put too much information about your book, don’t reveal that once the main character is “super-guy” or “incredible,” as these are clichés and don’t lend credence to an already tragic climax of life when one has read it all online 300 times. And remember, ‘it’s not how long something is, but how interesting it is.’

6 – Avoid being cheesy

Let’s face it; many of them are overused, and the only response they elicit is an eye roll. As witty as some of them may appear, let’s face it, they’re all overused. If you want a blurb that will stay new for years or at least a few months, try to steer clear of the ones that are worn out.

7 – Learn how to write a nonfiction blurb

The back of the book is a small but essential part of your marketing campaign. It’s also crucial to convey what you have accomplished in your work and how it could be useful for others. Writing a good nonfiction title blurb can help with this purpose: providing snippets that will entice potential readers while conveying the information they need to know about your subject matter or key points from the book itself.

8 – Write in the third person

It’s a widely used and straightforward technique to implement. Some writers will ask, “What if it’s my travel memoirs, success story, or even a full autobiography?” The answer is still a resounding, “Even so, in the third person.

9 – Write more than one!

Write another one after you’re done with the first. The blurbs are brief. You may quickly create a few samples with distinct tones or topics if you’re in the proper mood. Get feedback by posting your blurb to two social media accounts and showing friends and fans.

10 – Entice but don’t summarize

The book’s description isn’t meant to be a synopsis. That might be both a bore and a spoiler. Remember that the key objective of the blurb is to persuade your readers to read your book right now rather than anything else they may find inside it.

FAQs related to Writing A Perfect Back Cover Blurb

How can you make your back cover blurb better?

Answer: If you want to improve the quality of your back cover blurb, you should start by coming up with a catchy and engaging headline. Next, you must include key points your potential readers should know about your book. This should be in an easy-to-read format and should be followed by a summary of the book. Finally, ensure to include a cover photo and an excerpt from the book.
By following these simple tips, you can create a back cover blurb that will capture your potential readers’ attention.

What do people like about your book, and what do they dislike about it?

Answer: is a difficult question to answer, as everyone has different opinions. That said, some common things that people like about my book are that it is easy to read and understand, is full of valuable information, and is relevant to their interests. Some things people dislike about my book are that it is too short, could be updated to include more recent information, and has some formatting issues.
Ultimately, the goal is to continue writing books that readers enjoy and help them grow and learn in the process. So, keep the feedback coming, and be sure to test out different versions of your book to see which one works best for you and your audience.

What is Back Cover Copy?

Answer: Back cover copy is the information provided on a book’s back cover and is usually found right above the title or below it. It might include info about the author, an explanation of what type of book they wrote (fiction or nonfiction), etc. This copy sells books to readers just like your perfectly polished pitch would sell pitches in those areas where you are selling your work online, such as Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing website or CreateSpace, and through social media outlets such as Facebook or Twitter and retail outlets such as Barnes and Noble, Borders, or local bookstores.
Write at least one short paragraph to maximize exposure possible with the limited space on a back cover blurb. Be sure to include both benefits people would enjoy in reading this book (supersized gigs) and potential problems they might have while reading your work.

What should a good blurb include?

Answer: A good back cover blurb should include:
A summary of the plot.
A taste of the author’s writing style.
Perhaps some information about the author.
It should not give away too much of the story but should leave the reader wanting more. Here are a few examples:
“In a small town in Maine, a group of friends must solve a mystery that threatens the lives of everyone they love. With twists and turns at every corner, this gripping thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.”
“From the New York Times bestselling author of The Girl on the Train comes a new thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last page. When a woman’s body is found in a small town, the residents must come together to figure out who the killer is before it’s too late.”
“Perfect for fans of Gillian Flynn and Tana French, The Widow is a gripping debut thriller that will keep you guessing until the very last page. When a woman’s husband dies in a tragic accident, she is left to piece together the events of that fateful night. But as she gets closer to the truth, she realizes that her husband may have been keeping secrets from her. And those secrets could cost her everything.”

How do you design your spine?

Answer: Here are a few tips to keep in mind that can help you create a spine that’s both functional and attractive:
1. Consider your posture: When designing your spine, it’s essential to consider your stance. If you have good posture, you’ll want to create a spine that supports that alignment. However, if you have poor posture, you’ll also need to account for that in your design.
2. Think about your ergonomics: Ergonomics are essential when designing your spine, as you’ll want to ensure that your spine is comfortable to use. This means considering things like the height of your spine and the width of your shoulders.
3. Make sure your spine is strong: Your spine needs to be vital to support your body, so be sure to use sturdy and durable materials.
4. Consider your aesthetics: While functionality is essential, you also want your spine to look good. This means choosing materials and colors that you like and that complement your home décor.
5. Get creative: Don’t be afraid to get creative when designing your spine. There are no rules, so feel free to experiment until you find a design you love.

How long should a back cover blurb be?

Answer: When deciding how long your back cover blurb should be, the key is to focus on quality over quantity. While you want to include enough information to pique the reader’s interest, you don’t want to give away too much of the plot. A good rule of thumb is to keep your back cover blurb between 100 and 200 words.
In addition to giving a brief overview of the story, your back cover blurb should include some information about the author. This is your chance to sell the book, so be sure to include anything you think will make it more appealing to potential readers. If you have any awards or accolades, mention them here.
Finally, don’t forget to include a call to action. Tell the reader what you want them to do after they’ve finished reading your blurb. Do you want them to buy the book? Leave a review? Share it with their friends? Make sure your call to action is clear and concise.
Now that you know what to include in your back cover blurb, it’s time to get writing! Remember, the goal is to grab the reader’s attention and get them excited about reading your book. So go ahead and let your creativity flow.

Final Words

If you’re looking to get your book published but are unsure where to start, this blog is for you! We’ve outlined a book cover blurb and given you some tips on how to write one that will catch the reader’s attention. In addition, we’ve also provided a list of top 10 tips that will help you write a great blurb for your book. So take advantage of these helpful resources, and don’t let your book languish on the shelves anymore!

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