Last Updated on September 25, 2022 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD
Are you considering publishing your book with more than one publisher? There are a few factors to consider before making this decision, and we want to help you figure out which path is the best for you. This article will discuss the pros and cons of publishing your book with multiple publishers and provide tips on choosing the right one for your project. Don’t miss out!
What are the different ways to publish a book?
A literary agent and a traditional publishing house were the only way to publish a book fifteen years ago. Thousands of query letters and writers hoping their manuscripts would stand out from the crowd flooded the market, which was highly competitive.
With the increased popularity of self-publishing, there have been many more new possibilities for writers to get their work published. Self-publishing has improved its game in the publishing business, demonstrating that anybody with a brilliant idea may become an author and deliver half-baked results.
It’s important to remember that publishing isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. The truth is that distinct publishing approaches work best for different authors, books, budgets, and objectives. Even if you know many self-published writers or believe only traditionally published writers may be successful. The only way to write a book suitable for YOU is to conduct the necessary investigation and make the most acceptable option.
1 – DIY publishing
DIY publishing is self-publishing that gives the author complete control over the publishing process, just as its name implies.
You will format your book, design a book cover, discover a company to print it (unless you decide to go the eBook route), and establish a marketing strategy to promote it in this publishing style. While this can sound overwhelming for some writers, others love being a part of every piece of the publishing process. The most outstanding aspect of self-publishing a book is owning all the rights and the money you make. You’re a part of every conversation and make every decision. You’re the one who’s doing all of the book signings and editing. It’s entirely your decision.
2 – Traditional publishing
Traditional publishing is a model where an author contracts with a publisher to produce and distribute their book. This process can involve submitting your manuscript to agents, who may help get it into the hands of publishers. Once accepted by a publisher, they will work with you on all aspects of marketing and publication. The associated risks with traditional publishing include greater control over the finished product (since there’s no DIY option) and higher costs for both the author and publisher. Ultimately, the best way to answer this question is to conduct a thorough investigation and ensure your book is perfect before going through with traditional publishing.
3 – Indie publishing
Indie publishing is a model where the author retains complete control over their book, from manuscript to publication. They typically contract with an agent or self-publish without help from a publisher. The risks associated with indie publishing include greater vulnerability to errors and less money available for the author. Like traditional publishing, there is also a range of costs related depending on the platform chosen. However, for authors who have faith in their work, indie Publishing can be a fantastic way to share your story with the world while getting paid fairly for your work.
4 – Self-publishing
Self-publishing is the process of publishing your book without any help from a publisher. This can be done through an online self-publishing platform or by printing and selling your book. The costs associated with self-publishing vary depending on the editing and design required, as well as the marketing efforts needed to generate interest in your book. While there are risks associated with self-publishing (many books fail to sell), bringing your project to market without any restrictions can also be advantageous.
So yes, it’s possible to publish a book with different publishers simultaneously, provided that you will check all the publishing guidelines of both the previous and current publishers. Let’s suppose one publisher resists publishing anywhere else. Then you may have to agree upon such conditions as well! So, it all depends upon which publishing route you’re taking or which publisher you are undergoing.
As said before, publishing your book is an excellent way to promote it. You have many publishers nowadays who are interested in making you famous and selling books: amazon kindle (amazon-publish), amazon USA(amazon-na), kindle unlimited(kindle), etc.
There are two significant ways to publish a book. The first is through traditional channels: publishers such as Random House, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, and the like. The other way is via self-publishing which allows you to do it entirely on your own or with minimal assistance from a publisher (your choice).
With financial support from blog readers, you can have multiple publishers or self-publish through a blog, Twitter, and Instagram.
Final Words
After reading this blog post, do you still have any doubt about which publisher to choose for your book? All the publishers we listed are booming, leading publishing houses in India. Not all of them offer an e-book or audio editions, though. Talk to a professional if something feels off. Happy writing!
1 – What if a book has two publishers?
Answer: When a book has two publishers, it is usually because the first publisher did not want to publish the work, and another publisher took on the project. This can be unclear for consumers as they may think that one version of the book is better than another. However, in most cases, both versions are equivalent and have been professionally edited. The main difference will likely be marketing and distribution efforts since one publisher might have a more robust push behind it.
2 – Traditional publishing or self-publishing?
Answer: There are advantages and disadvantages to both self- and traditional publishing. With self-publishing, you retain complete control over your book’s production process and can decide what format it should be in (electronic or print). On the other hand, with traditional publishing, a publisher will take care of everything from editing to formatting to marketing.
Ultimately, choosing an option that best fits your needs is essential. For example, self-publishing might be the right choice if you’re confident in your writing skills and have a good idea for a book but don’t want any involvement from publishers or agents. And if you are already working with a publisher with experience marketing literary works effectively, then sticking with them may be best!
3 – Once my book is published, what is the best way to market and promote it?
Answer: After your book is already published, the best way to market and promote it is through social media. This may include using hashtags (#), posting on popular forums and discussion groups, or creating a blog or review site where you can share information about the book and ask readers for feedback.
Additionally, use online directories like Google Search results and Yahoo! Answers to list your book and provide links to Amazon (or other eCommerce sites) where people can purchase it.
Make sure all your marketing efforts are integrated so potential buyers have a seamless experience searching for products related to your book. And finally, never stop promoting the heck out of your book! Book signings, radio interviews, speaking engagements―there’s no end to what you can do in order not only to sell more books but also to build positive relationships with fans who will be invaluable when promoting future titles.
4 – Why would publishing my book with multiple publishers be advantageous?
Answer: Regarding booking publishing, there are many advantages to having more than one publisher. First and foremost, you have a wider audience of potential readers who can potentially benefit from your work. Having multiple publishers also allows you to market and distribute your book in a variety of ways, which can increase its chances of becoming a success.
Another benefit is that, when negotiating with several publishers, you might be able to negotiate better terms. Plus, sometimes, it’s easier for an author to find a publisher with the same project vision. Finally, if something goes wrong with the publication process (i.e., errors are made), having multiple partners helps ensure that all parties care.
5 – Can I traditionally publish a novel in America when I live in Asia?
Answer: Yes, you can traditionally publish a novel in America when you live in Asia. However, before starting the procedure, you should understand a few key things. First and foremost, ensure your manuscript is correctly formatted for publication, as many publishers require specific formatting guidelines.
Secondly, be aware of publishing rights issues related to your region or country of origin. For example, some countries have stricter copyright regulations than others which could impact your ability to claim copyright infringement if someone were to illegally distribute copies of your book without your permission or the publisher.
Ultimately, speaking with a knowledgeable literary agent about all aspects of publishing a book overseas is always a smart move.

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.
Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.
In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.