Top 10 Android Apps to Help You Write a Perfect Argumentative Essay

Last Updated on August 24, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD

Modern students are lucky to live in the digital era. They can benefit from hundreds of apps that make the studying process less overwhelming. Many such apps aim to help you cope with all kinds of writing assignments. Writing an argumentative essay has many obstacles. For instance, it might be difficult to decide what topic to discuss. Also, you may struggle to find relevant and up-to-date information. Then, forming a logical structure and placing all of your arguments in the right order is even more challenging. Almost every stage of the preparation and writing process requires strong analytical skills and full dedication to the assignment. Are there apps that can simplify these tasks for a student? Most certainly, there are.

One of the options for coping with this type of writing assignment faster is to find an online service and pay for essay. You will get an original sample that meets all academic writing requirements. Additionally, you can give your assistant specific details on what you want to see in this assignment. As a result, you will get an essay on a specific topic. It is a fast and easy way to get many tips on how to make your argumentative essay convincing and inspiring. You can also look through some free samples that almost every online service has. Find the ones that are at least slightly relevant to the topic of your project and pay attention to their structure and bibliography pages. These pages will give you a hint on where to find relevant information for your research study.

#1 MindMeister

MindMeister is a mind-mapping app that can be particularly useful for argumentative essays. Organizing the material you have can be challenging. Sometimes, there can be too many ideas worth mentioning in your piece. It helps students visually organize their arguments, counterarguments, and supporting evidence. You will create a clear overview of your essay’s structure. Then, it will be easier to outline the key points and create a detailed plan for your project. The basic version of the app is free and allows you to create up to three mind maps. If you need more, you will need to switch to a professional account.

#2 Debatekeeper

While not exclusively for essays, a debate timer app can assist you in refining your argumentative skills by setting time limits for constructing and presenting arguments. It is a helpful tool when presenting your project in class or debating with your peers. As to the writing process, it can help you understand whether you present your arguments clearly. If you lack time or have trouble finding the right words to communicate a concise message, try to rewrite some of the arguments to make them more appealing. Use the technique of Richard Feynman – if you can’t explain a concept to a child using simple sentences, you do not understand the concept.

#3 Logical Defense

Building a strong argumentation basis is crucial to create a convincing and informative essay. This app will inform you about various logical fallacies that can weaken arguments. Sometimes, it can be too difficult to make a logical conclusion after collecting the viewpoints of different scholars. Download it if you want to avoid common pitfalls and strengthen the reasoning in your essay. It will help you understand the true meaning of point A and point B to combine them in a logical conclusion C.

#4 Google Scholar

Google Scholar’s app gives you access to scholarly articles and research papers. Find the ones that are relevant to your project’s topic and explore what other scholars have to say. Strong evidence from reputable sources significantly enhances the effectiveness of an argumentative essay. You can copy and save the references you want to add to your project to find them during the writing stage. If the goal is for your piece to sound convincing and have a solid scientific basis, Google Scholar will help you reach it.

#5 Argumentative Essay Topics

Students often struggle with choosing a relevant and interesting topic for their projects. This app helps you overcome this obstacle with ease. It has a selection of argumentative essay samples to help you get the necessary inspiration. You can also find many valuable tips on how to structure your piece. One of the undeniable advantages is that the app is small in size and does not require an Internet connection. Therefore, you can stay offline and still use it whenever you need to develop an engaging topic for your essay. Additional good news is that the app is free to download.

#6 Grammarly

Grammarly is a powerful writing assistant that checks for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. The algorithm of this app provides suggestions for improving sentence structure and clarity. It’s a must-have for enhancing the overall quality of your argumentative essays. It is free to use. However, there are fee-based features you might consider using. They include AI assistance and plagiarism checks. Originality of content is crucial when it comes to academic writing. That is why you need to run your piece with one of the reliable plagiarism checkers. Grammarly can come in handy when you need to make sure you’ve referenced all the necessary sources of information.

#7 Pure Writer

If you have ever deleted a file with your essay and you could not restore it, you know how painful it is. Pure Writer saves all your files and can restore those you’ve accidentally or purposely deleted. On top of that, you can write whenever a brilliant idea pops up in your head. Don’t let any important point slip your mind, and write it down during the commute or a walk in the park. The app also allows you to write a journal and set a password so that no one can see it. Writing a journal can be an effective way to improve your writing skills improvement. The more you practice, the more appealing essays you start to write.

#8 Google Docs

Google Docs offers real-time collaboration, cloud-based storage, and easy sharing. If you are engaged in a group project, Google Docs is the perfect tool to collaborate with peers, receive feedback, and access your files from any device whenever you need. You can leave comments and make suggestions conveniently and comprehensively. Other group members can agree or disagree with the points you make. It is also an excellent opportunity to brainstorm and collect arguments for your essay. Let every group member contribute by finding the top 3 arguments and then review them together to decide which ones are the most convincing.


This app can help you find synonyms and antonyms, enriching your vocabulary and enabling you to choose the most suitable words for your essays. As you know, finding the right words is crucial when it comes to strong argumentation. Just ensure you know when to stop. Otherwise, your essay might end up looking confusing to a reader. If there are too many unknown terms and complex phrases, you may fail to communicate the main idea of your project.

#10 Citation Maker

This app assists you in managing references and citations. It generates citations in various formats (APA, MLA, etc.) and helps you create flawless bibliography pages. Every student knows how boring and time-consuming the process of making references can be. An app that can quickly format your citations is crucial to finishing your essay by the deadline.


Final Thoughts

Finally, having a dictionary app that can offer quick word definitions, synonyms, and related terms is helpful. Sometimes, you need to check the meaning of some words to use them correctly. Also, you want to show your teacher that you have a versatile vocabulary. Therefore, find the synonyms for the words you use too often and remember them to make your essay sound better.

Another idea is to download a distraction-free writing app with a minimalist interface. It will help you stay focused on drafting essays without unnecessary distractions. After all, it is challenging to resist the temptation of checking the updates in social media apps or playing that game everyone is playing. If you find it difficult to control your writing behavior, use one of the distraction-free apps.

Remember that many tools can help you cope with the assignment, no matter how challenging it may seem. Take breaks during studying sessions to let your brain relax and process the information. You can use an alarm clock app to do that. Taking such breaks will also help your eyes relax from staring at a white screen for so long. In a word, it is essential to take care of your physical and mental state while coping with massive assignments.

As you understand, all of these tools have analogs for Android phones. You can check them to find the apps that fit your requirements. Check other tools and make an informed decision. It is now easier for you to find exactly what you need as you know the main categories of the apps that can bring your writing process to the next level.

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