Last Updated on April 30, 2023 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD
It’s both thrilling and terrifying to decide to self-publish your book. Even after you’ve edited, designed, and developed a marketing strategy, you’ll have to determine how you’ll publish and share your work — the number of options is so vast that it may be overwhelming.
There is a slew of firms marketing their products to self-published writers. Some are legitimate, but many are vanity presses that want to exploit new writers.
Depending on the book you’ve written, we’ll help you choose between the top 15 self-publishing companies in this article and the five companies to avoid.
What is a Self-Publishing Company?
Self-publishing used to entail everything from printing to promoting your book, but self-publishing businesses have made the job of authors much simpler. Each business has its pluses and minuses, which are unique to that firm.
You may think you’re dealing with ebook sales when you choose to utilize self-publishing firms for your book, but some include an extra print-on-demand service.
Top 15 Self-Publishing Companies of 2023
These are 15 of the top self-publishing firms for 2023 to help you choose what’s best for your self-publishing journey.
1 – Amazon KDP/ Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
With a global customer base of 310 million active users already established, Amazon allows writers to publish their books independently on their platform.
It also provides you with the option to have your ebook converted into a paperback print book version (if you have an ISBN for it) while providing print-on-demand (POD) services for your books.
2 – StreetLib
StreetLib is another worldwide distributor that offers even more alternatives if you want to gain an international audience. It has a big presence in South America and Europe, with the ability to adjust the dashboard in English, Italian, Spanish, Hindi — and more!
3 – Rakuten Kobo
It’s a Canadian firm with a worldwide presence in the ebook industry (a subsidiary of Rakuten, Japan’s largest e-commerce firm).
You can upload your manuscript and add it to the Kobo catalog within 72 hours using their Kobo Writing Life (KWL) self-publishing service. It has been praised for being the simplest method to self-publish an ebook.
4 – Apple Books
Apple launched Apple Books, a self-publishing division, in 2010. The customer base is huge, direct marketing to iPhones and Mac users, and monetizing your book isn’t as simple as Kobo or Amazon KDP. The royalty rate is a flat 70% for most of the books.
5 – Barnes & Noble Press
The self-publishing platform of the big box bookseller Barnes & Noble Press (previously known as NOOK Press) It’s been a long-running struggle for market share against Amazon.
It’s crucial to understand that you can publish your book for free on this platform. Barnes & Noble is also attempting to establish itself as a leader in self-publishing by experimenting and adding new features.
6 – PublishDrive
You can see your book published and shared to 400 plus worldwide stores, including KDP, Kobo, Apple Books, Scribd, Bookmate, and Google Play Books. It’s an Apple-approved, and Google partnered company.
7 – XinXii
It’s a German-based self-publishing firm with strong presence and distribution channels in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
8 – Draft2Digital
They offer free uploading and ebook creation, but they charge 10% royalties on all sales (something few other publishing firms or even traditional publishers do). You can also upload your book for free if you want to. Their distribution channels include Amazon, Scribd, Apple Books, Google Play, Kobo, Bibliotheca, etc.
9 – Smashwords
This website is for you if you consider yourself an indie author. Smashwords is not a typical publishing firm, and your eBook will be distributed and supported by Smashwords in all the right ways.
10 – Blurb
Blurb is a reputable self-publisher with substantial traffic and an affiliate program where writers may get paid each time another author publishes a book.
11 – IngramSpark
Ingram Book Company, the country’s biggest bookseller and one of the greatest self-publishing companies, is headquartered in Tennessee. IngramSpark is a platform that enables writers to get their books into the market as quickly as possible while still dealing with the headaches of mass distribution.
12 – Grammar Factory
Grammar Factory is a full-service business leadership publishing firm located in Canada. They work with executives, entrepreneurs, and small business owners to establish them as authorities in their fields by focusing completely on nonfiction books.
13 – Lulu
Since Lulu releases about 1,000 new books every day, the firm has expert knowledge of formatting, packaging, and distributing publications.
14 –AIA Publishing
AIA Publishing and its imprint, Escarpment Publishing, provide a comprehensive range of author services, including editing, book cover design, and interior design. They also help with the publication and marketing of your book.
15 – Reedsy
At every step of the book-writing and self-publishing process, Reedsy provides support to authors. To learn more about the process, check out their free apps and tools and their courses on book publishing.
5 Self-Publishing Companies to Avoid
Unethical publishers often charge authors unnecessary costs. You need to watch out for the following aspects before choosing any self-publishing company.
1 – Reading fees: Legitimate publishing companies won’t charge a fee just to read your work.
2 – “Traditional” publisher fees: Traditional publishers should not require authors to pay for book publication, even if they use legal self-publishing companies that charge fair rates.
3 – Required purchases of your own book: Authors are not required to purchase copies of their own work when publishers demand it. Companies that request you to purchase large quantities of your book to “sell at book signings” or “re-sell yourself” should be avoided.
4 – Book contest fees: Publishing frauds may claim you’ve been chosen as a finalist in a paid competition and charge you money to “submit your book to the finals.” You may also need to surrender your publishing rights.
5 Companies to Avoid
1 – Alliant Press
2 – Abbott Press
3 – America Star Books
4 – AlphaScript
5 – Archway Publishing
FAQs on the Best Self-Publishing Companies
What is the most successful self-published book?
Answer: The Tale of Peter Rabbit is one of the most successful self-published books, with over 250 million copies sold worldwide. Initially published in 1902, it was such a success that the author eventually turned her hand to writing children’s stories for publication. The book has been adapted for both stage and screen numerous times and continues to be popular today.
Which is the best self-publisher?
Answer: Amazon KDP is the best self-publisher because it offers abundant resources and tools that make publishing easy. Plus, their customer service is top-notch, so you can always count on them if something goes wrong.
One of the great things about Amazon KDP is that they provide detailed reports on your book’s sales performance every day. This helps you to track your progress and optimize your marketing efforts accordingly. Additionally, they offer a variety of bonus programs, such as Kindle Unlimited and Kindle Selects, which can help to boost your book’s visibility in online stores.
In terms of price points, Amazon KDP allows books to be priced at any level from $0.99 up to $9.99 per copy (plus applicable taxes). So whether you’re just starting or are well-established as a writer, Amazon KDP has everything you need to start publishing books today!
What publishing company is the best?
Answer: Penguin Random House is often considered the best publishing company because of its high-quality books and top-notch customer service. This company has a wide range of books available, from fiction to nonfiction, and their distribution network ensures that your book reaches a large audience. Additionally, Penguin Random House frequently releases new titles, so you’re always sure to have something new and exciting to read.
Their website is easy to use and features helpful information about writing for publication and tips for marketing your book effectively. If you want to learn more about how publishing can benefit your career or wish to purchase a copy of one of their publications, visit the Penguin Random House website today!
Can a self-published book become a bestseller?
Answer: Yes, self-published books can become bestsellers. However, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve this status. It is important to have a good writing style, create engaging content that is easy on the eyes, and be strategic in selecting the right marketing platforms.
Some of the most successful self-published books include The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter, Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L James, The Martian by Andy Weir (which became a #1 New York Times bestselling novel), and Legally Blonde by Leslie Morgan Steiner (an all-time blockbuster).
While there are no guarantees for becoming a bestseller through self-publishing(), these cases show that efforts will pay off if you put your heart into it!
How much do self-published books make?
Answer: Self-published books can be a great way to get your work out there and make some money, but it’s important to know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. Self-published books typically make 40%-60% royalties per book sale, increasing over time. Additionally, this income is often taxable, so it’s important to keep track of all the financials associated with your business.
For self-publishing to be successful, you must have a good story to tell and market your book in the best possible way. It also helps if you are comfortable writing from scratch and don’t need help from an agent or editor. However, despite these challenges, self-published books can provide many people with long-term success if they put in the effort!
How many books must be sold to become a bestseller?
Answer: At least 5000 books have to be sold per week for a book to be classified as a “bestseller.” This is based on the New York Times bestseller list, distinguishing between hardcover and paperback versions of a book. A hardcover version is any edition that sells more than 10,000 copies within the first six months after its release. For a paperback version of a book to make a list, it must sell at least 25000 copies during its first six months following publication.
Is Amazon self-publishing worth it?
Answer: Yes, self-publishing through Amazon is worth it if you have the right content and a strategy for marketing your book. As an independent author, you have full control over your book’s editing, layout design, cover design, and pricing. This gives you ultimate flexibility in how to market and sell your work.
Another great advantage to self-publishing through Amazon is that Kindle Unlimited allows readers to read unlimited books for no additional cost. Even if customers don’t buy your original copy, they can still read it on their own devices without spending any money!
Amazon also offers subsidies for paperback and digital editions of qualifying titles. So whether you choose traditional publishing or go the independent route with Amazon Publishing, there are many benefits available to help boost sales and reach new readership levels!
What is the #1 publishing company in the world?
Answer: According to Forbes, Pearson is the #1 publishing company globally. This iconic corporation has a long history of producing high-quality educational content that helps students learn and achieve their goals. From textbooks to eTextbooks, course materials, labs, and more, Pearson provides an extensive array of resources to help students succeed in college and career fields. In addition to its main website, Pearson also operates over 1,000 different websites across six continents that provide access to quality educational content for all learners.
Do self-published authors get picked up by publishers?
Answer: While self-published authors get picked up by publishers, it is not always a smooth process. Many factors must be considered, including the quality of your writing and your book’s marketability. It is also important to have a strong social media presence to reach an audience quickly.
Publishers typically assess whether there is potential for success based on three key factors: genre, review ratings, and sales figures (from ebook or other formats). If all three indicators point in the positive direction, they will move forward with negotiations. However, even if you’re accepted onto a publisher’s list, don’t take them at their word – test out your book idea through online publishing platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Nook Create Space before investing any more money into marketing materials.
Remember that being published by a traditional publisher gives your work credibility and can help sell copies more easily than when selling via indie channels alone – it’s still up to you to make sure people know about it!
How many copies does the average self-published book sell?
Answer: The average self-published book sells around 300 copies, and this figure varies depending on the genre, quality of writing, and other marketing factors. However, this number is often a good starting point for authors who are just getting started in their publishing journey.
What types of self-published books sell the best?
Answer: According to a recent study, romance, mystery, and thriller genres are some of the most popular types of self-published books. Why? These genres tend to be full of adrenalin-pumping action that engages readers on an emotional level. Additionally, these genres typically have strong storylines with well-developed characters who offer hope and encouragement to struggling people.
Therefore, if you’re looking to publish a book in one of these genres, it is important to focus on writing compelling content that will stand out from the crowd. You also need to create engaging covers that entice customers into buying your book and market it strategically both online and offline.
Is it better to self-publish or get a publisher?
Answer: When you self-publish, you control everything, including the design and layout of your book, pricing, marketing strategy, and distribution. This makes it an excellent choice for writers who have a strong vision for their project and are not afraid to take on some creative risks. Additionally, self-publishing allows writers to bypass the gatekeepers that often restrict content from reaching a wider audience.
On the other hand, getting published by a traditional publisher can be advantageous. For example, books published by publishers typically undergo greater editorial scrutiny, which results in higher-quality text and better formatting. Additionally, publishing houses usually provide superior marketing support, which can boost sales significantly.
Ultimately it comes down to what is most important to you as a writer: independence or partnership with a professional team? It’s worth exploring both options before making any final decisions!
It’s no secret that the self-publishing industry is on the rise, and there are many great companies to choose from. In this blog, we have mentioned a list of the top 15 self-publishing companies in 2023 and 5 companies to avoid due to potential scams or low-quality content. Stay safe and choose wisely!

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.
Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.
In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.