18 Tips to Minimize the Cost of Self Publishing

18 Tips to Minimize the Cost of Self Publishing

The costs of book publishing can be determined based on the word count, the production needed to cover artwork requirements, and marketing. The average costs of self-publishing a book are between $1,000 to $20,000, depending on your budget constraints. Professional writers collaborate with trained editors, proofreaders, and first-time authors who can write, publish and promote … Read more

9 Steps to Writing Nonfiction (with 7 Bonus Tips)

9 Steps to Writing Nonfiction (with 7 Bonus Tips)

Nonfiction books are a different beast than fiction. They require more preparation before you write them, and often, they follow an outline. This post is intended to give first-time writers the tips they need for writing nonfiction books that will captivate readers! 9 Steps to Write Nonfiction Books 1.Research nonfiction book topics The first step … Read more

How to write dialogues between two characters? (15 Tips & Examples)

How to write dialogues between two characters

Dialogue is an essential part of any story. It can be used to move the plot forward, deepen characterization and foreshadow upcoming events. The way you use dialogue in your story will depend on various factors, including genre, setting, and tone, but some general guidelines apply to all stories. 15 useful tips for crafting excellent … Read more