Last Updated on April 26, 2024 by Dr Sharon Baisil MD
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a successful manga author? It is possible to achieve your dreams if you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication. Take the example of Yoko Yokota, who self-published her own manga after she was rejected by major publishers. With just two years under her belt as an artist, Yoko has gained over one million readers through her self-publishing platform.
Self-publishing has become increasingly popular for aspiring manga authors – with so many resources available online it can be daunting to know where to start. But fear not! In this article, we will provide 9 tips on how to successfully self-publish your manga and reach the same level of success as Yoko. From building up your fanbase before launch day, all the way through to marketing strategies that can help boost sales – these simple steps will have you well on your way toward achieving your goals. So what are you waiting for? Let’s get started!
1. Establish Your Target Audience
When it comes to self-publishing your manga, one of the first steps is to establish your target audience. It’s a task that requires research and dedication; however, can reap huge rewards when done correctly.
Your audience should be more than just an age group or gender – they need to have motivations and interests that you can tap into. Think about what type of stories excite them and how you can create content specifically for them. When it comes time to release your work, you’ll know exactly who you’re marketing towards! As this is only the beginning of the journey, let’s move on to developing a quality story for your readership.
2. Develop A Quality Story
It is essential to crafting an exciting story if you want your manga to be successful. Your readers may not know what they want, but they will surely appreciate a unique plot and interesting characters. You can draw inspiration from other works of art or come up with something entirely new – the sky is the limit!
When creating your manga, consider how it will make readers feel when they read it. Make sure every character has their own voice and that the dialogue drives the narrative forward in a meaningful way. Think about how each scene leads into another and make sure there are enough action-packed moments to keep people hooked until the very end.
TIP: Write down everything you can think of before committing any ideas to paper, including detailed descriptions of characters, scenes, settings, etc., This will help ensure that your story flows naturally and remains engaging throughout.
3. Select The Right Format
Choosing the right format for your self-published manga is a crucial step in the process of becoming successful. You need to decide how you want to present it, whether that’s as an online comic strip, e-book, or physical book. Each option has its own benefits and drawbacks, so understanding them will help you make the best decision.
Electronic formats are great if you’re looking for quick publication and easy distribution – plus they’re cheaper than printing costs! However, digital reading isn’t always everyone’s cup of tea; some prefer the experience of holding a physical copy of their favorite manga in their hands. If this is something important to your audience, then consider investing in a print run instead. It may take more time and money but it could be worth it – especially if readers can find copies at their local store! Now that you’ve got the perfect format sorted out, let’s move on to creating professional artwork…
4. Create Professional Artwork
Take the example of manga artist, Akiko Kobayashi who gained success through self-publishing her own work. By creating professional artwork for her series, she was able to draw in a large audience and become an online sensation.
Creating artwork that looks polished and professional is essential when self-publishing your manga. Investing in high-quality software such as Adobe Photoshop or Manga Studio can be incredibly beneficial if you have the means to do so. Take time to practice different techniques with shading and coloring, as this makes a huge difference in how your manga appears in its final form. It’s also important to keep your style consistent throughout each volume – make sure it’s not too cluttered but also detailed enough that readers will recognize it from page one.
Having attractive visuals is key when marketing your manga to potential fans – after all, they are more likely to pick up something that catches their eye! With careful attention to detail, you can create artwork that stands out while remaining true to yourself and your unique vision. Now let’s move on to finding a reputable printer who can help bring all of these elements together into one cohesive package…
5. Find A Reputable Printer
Once you’ve completed your professional manga artwork, it’s essential to choose a reputable printer. Research and read reviews from previous customers to ensure they provide high-quality services, including affordable pricing, quick turnaround times, and outstanding customer service. Investigate the printing methods they use to see if they meet your standards. Additionally, knowing how to change ink in Canon printer is beneficial as it can streamline your printing process and help maintain continuous production of top-notch prints.
Another thing to consider when looking for a printer is how easy they make it is to work with one. Do they provide an online ordering system or will you need to contact them directly? Are there any hidden fees or other costs associated with using their services? Knowing these things can help ensure that you get the best value out of your printing experience. Taking the time to carefully weigh all of these factors can go a long way in helping you choose the right printer for your project.
6. Market Your Manga
Once you’ve got your manga ready to be printed, it’s time to start marketing. You’ll want to make sure that people know about the amazing story and artwork that you’ve created! After all, without a bit of buzz around your work, no one will ever find out about it.
To kick-start the process, think outside the box for ways to get your name and book out there – social media is a great place to start. Get creative with catchy hashtags and shareable graphics; you never know who might stumble upon them and become curious about what you have to offer! If possible, reach out to influencers or other creators in the industry – networking can go a long way toward helping spread the word. Additionally, consider attending conventions and setting up booths if they’re available in your area; not only could this help bring more attention but also give readers an opportunity to physically interact with your work in person.
Your hard work has paid off so far – now it’s just a matter of making sure everyone knows it exists! Time to take control of your destiny and see where marketing takes you next.
7. Set A Reasonable Price Point
Setting a reasonable price point is an essential component of manga self-publishing success. Not only does it give readers value for their money, but also helps you stay competitive in the marketplace. Here’s how to make sure your pricing strategy works:
- Set realistic expectations – Price your manga according to its genre and content, as well as what other authors are charging for similar titles.
- Consider print costs – Make sure that your final price covers printing costs, or else you won’t make any profit from selling physical copies of your work.
- Factor in digital sales – If you’re considering offering discounts on ebook versions of your manga, factor this into the total cost of production so you don’t end up losing out financially.
By taking these steps into consideration when deciding on a price point for your manga, you can ensure that you remain competitive while still giving readers a good value for their money. Plus, by monitoring sales and adjusting prices accordingly, you’ll be able to maximize profits over time—essential if you want to keep creating new comics!
8. Monitor Your Sales
Maintaining control over your manga’s success is like a juggling act. You must keep an ever-watchful eye on the metrics of sales to ensure that you are meeting expectations and staying within budget. Monitoring sales means more than just tracking numbers, it’s also about understanding reader behavior; what kind of readers read your book, and how often do they come back for more?
Ultimately, this information can help inform decisions such as when to launch new titles or products. Keeping track of sales allows creators to adjust prices if needed, measure demand for sequels or derivative works, identify emerging trends in the marketplace, and make informed decisions about marketing strategies. It is essential for self-publishers to consistently analyze their performance and make necessary changes accordingly. By doing so, creators can maximize profits while minimizing the risk associated with publishing their own work.
With insight into purchasing patterns from monitoring sales data, you will be well-equipped to build a resource network – one that connects authors and artists with people who have complementary skillsets and resources.
9. Build A Resource Network
As the old saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child. This same concept applies when self-publishing your manga – having a resource network is critical for success. Building this support system should be one of your top priorities in order to ensure that you stay on track and have guidance as needed.
Look for people who are experienced with marketing, design or any other field related to publishing comics. Consider reaching out to authors, illustrators, comic book publishers, bloggers – anyone whose expertise can help you get closer to achieving your goals. Having someone who has gone through similar experiences is invaluable; they can provide helpful advice and share their lessons learned along the way so that you don’t make the same mistakes they did.
By taking proactive steps toward building a strong resource network, you will be well-equipped with the tools necessary to create an effective publishing plan and ultimately reach your goal of successful self-publication.
10. Revisit Your Successes And Failures
Did you know that 9 out of 10 self-published manga do not reach success? That means, if you’re planning to publish your own work, there’s a 90% chance you’ll fail. To help increase the odds of successful publishing, it is important to revisit successes and failures from previous works.
This doesn’t have to mean completely starting over or reworking an entire story. Instead, it can involve going back through old stories and viewing them objectively with fresh eyes. What worked well in certain chapters? How could those elements be improved elsewhere? Reflection on these questions can lead to new ideas and improvements for upcoming stories. It also helps identify areas where more resources may be needed such as character development, plot structure, dialogue, etc. By identifying strengths and weaknesses upfront publishers can make better decisions when moving forward.
Successful self-publishing requires revisiting past experiences combined with thoughtful reflection to create something truly unique and engaging for readers. Taking the time now will pay off later by avoiding costly mistakes down the road due to a lack of planning or research. So don’t forget to look back now and then; this simple step is key to achieving long-term success!
Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Best Way To Promote My Manga?
When self-publishing your manga, it’s key to have a comprehensive plan for promoting the work. Whether you’re looking to gain traction on social media or generate buzz in bookstores and comic shops, there are several strategies that can help make sure your project is successful.
Take the story of Kayla, who was able to successfully promote her digital manga through Reddit and Twitter. After posting about her book on both platforms, she saw an increase in sales within just days. She also offered commissions for fan art related to the characters and plot points featured in her story and created an online community where readers could engage with each other and share their ideas about the narrative. Through these efforts, she gained hundreds of new followers—all eager to learn more about her work.
Promotion isn’t limited to only digital outlets either: engaging with local retailers helps build relationships between author and reader that will last long after the initial release date has passed. Partnering with comic stores or seeking out appearances at conventions not only generates interest but provides valuable feedback from fans which can be used later when creating sequels or spinoffs! When it comes to self-publishing your manga, don’t underestimate the power of promotion—it’s one of the most important steps toward success!
How Do I Find An Editor For My Manga?
There are few things as satisfying to a manga artist than seeing their work come alive with the help of an editor. After all, editors can bring out the best in your story and make it shine! But how do you find one?
Take, for instance, Kentaro-san – he wanted to take his self-published manga series to the next level by finding an experienced and talented editor who could provide valuable feedback on his storyline and characters. After months of research and networking, Kentaro finally found an editor who agreed to review his manuscript. This allowed him to get a fresh perspective on his work before sending it off for publication.
For aspiring manga creators looking for an editor, there are several ways they can go about this process. Networking is always key; attending conventions or joining online communities related to manga creation are great ways to build connections that may lead you to potential candidates. You can also search through industry contacts such as publishing houses or fellow artists that might know someone suitable for the job. Additionally, sites like Upwork have freelancer editors available who specialize in different types of editing services including manga editing.
Finding an editor doesn’t need to be hard but it does require time and effort from the creator’s part if they want successful results from their project. When you invest in quality editorial services, you’re investing in yourself too – so it pays off!
How Much Does It Cost To Self-Publish A Manga?
Self-publishing manga can be both time-consuming and expensive. While it may take some effort, there are several cost-effective ways to get your project off the ground. Many authors opt for self-publishing their own work due to its relative ease of use and wide availability. But how much does it really cost?
There is no one size fits all answer here; costs vary depending on the type of book you’re publishing and if you choose to hire professionals or do things yourself. For example, if you’re creating an e-book with no physical copies being produced, then the only expenses would be associated with formatting and marketing. On the other hand, if you plan to produce physical copies of your manga in addition to digital versions, then expect additional costs such as printing fees, shipping costs, and cover design services. You could also decide to buy ISBNs (International Standard Book Numbers) which allow your books to be distributed more widely but this comes at an extra fee too.
Overall though, when done correctly, self-publishing a manga doesn’t have to break the bank – it just takes careful planning and research into what options are available for each individual situation. With proper preparation and budgeting, anyone can enjoy the fruits of their labor without straining their wallet too much!
What Are The Legal Implications Of Self-Publishing A Manga?
Self-publishing a manga can be an exciting experience for any creator, but there are legal implications to consider before taking the plunge. It is essential that creators understand the rights and laws associated with their work. Here are some tips on what to keep in mind when self-publishing your manga:
1) Copyright protection – Before self-publishing, your manga, make sure you register it for copyright protection. This will give you exclusive ownership of your artwork and protect you from potential infringement cases.
2) Licensing agreements – If you plan on working with other artists or writers, make sure you have written contracts in place outlining the terms of use and how royalties will be distributed among all parties involved.
3) Trademark registration – Registering trademarks allows creators to distinguish their products from those produced by others in the industry, as well as protect them against imitations. Additionally, registering trademarks can also provide financial benefits such as increased revenue through licensing deals.
Taking these steps prior to self-publishing can help ensure success down the road. Knowing your rights and understanding relevant laws helps to create a strong foundation that supports innovative creations without fear of repercussions later on.
What Is The Best Way To Track Manga Sales?
“Knowledge is power” – this ancient adage has never been truer than when it comes to tracking and managing manga sales. Self-publishing a manga is an exciting endeavor, but without proper monitoring of your readership, you may be missing out on opportunities for success. To maximize the potential of self-publishing a manga, it’s important to recognize what tools are available and how they can benefit you in the long run.
Tracking manga sales begins with understanding who your target audience is and developing strategies that will best capture their attention. This could include leveraging social media platforms such as Twitter or Instagram to reach prospective readers or creating newsletters for existing followers. Additionally, utilizing analytics services like Google Analytics can provide invaluable insight into where customers come from and how often they return. With these metrics at hand, creators have the opportunity to make informed decisions about which promotional techniques work best for their respective projects.
The key to effectively tracking manga sales is staying ahead of trends within the industry and being proactive in responding to them. By recognizing shifts in reader preferences early on and adjusting marketing efforts accordingly, self-published mangaka can ensure that their content reaches its fullest potential while also gaining insights into further improving future works. Utilizing effective analysis methods can help create strong relationships between creator and consumer – leading ultimately towards successful outcomes for both parties alike!
Self-publishing manga can be an exciting journey, but it also comes with challenges. With the right preparation and guidance, you can successfully publish your own project without breaking the bank.
So how do you make sure your manga is successful? Start by doing plenty of research to find out what works best for self-publishers in terms of promotion, editors, costs, legal implications, and tracking sales. Then take action on all that information – create a budget and timeline, hire professionals as needed, and stay organized throughout the process. Finally, don’t forget to enjoy yourself along the way! After all, isn’t creativity meant to bring joy?
Of course, there will always be bumps in the road when self-publishing any kind of work – including manga. But if you keep these nine tips in mind while preparing your project for publication, you should have no problem producing something amazing that readers will love. Good luck!
Further Reading
- Wikipedia: WikiProject Anime and manga-
- Anime and Manga Studies –
- Manga Studies: The Core Journals of Anime/Manga Studies”1

Hi, I am a doctor by profession, but I love writing and publishing ebooks. I have self-published 3 ebooks which have sold over 100,000 copies. I am featured in Healthline, Entrepreneur, and in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology blog.
Whether you’re a busy professional or an aspiring author with a day job, there’s no time like now to start publishing your ebook! If you are new to this world or if you are seeking help because your book isn’t selling as well as it should be – don’t worry! You can find here resources, tips, and tricks on what works best and what doesn’t work at all.
In this blog, I will help you to pick up the right tools and resources to make your ebook a best seller.